We are doctors invested in educating the next generation of doctors by making surgical education accessible for all.
The Academy of Surgical Education based in London has since 2014 successfully run several courses attended by over a thousand trainee doctors and medical students from across the country and around the world, in collaboration with the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, St Mary’s Hospital, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, University of East Anglia and Norwich Radiology Academy.
We are currently offering new virtual courses on surviving on-calls in different surgical specialties and exam revision, as well as recordings of our previous on-call survival courses!
We have just released new dates for the following LIVE On-call Survival Courses in spring 2025.
To register click here

I really enjoyed how the course was broken down in a easy way to understand and I am now more confident when it comes to my general surgery on call and how to manage patients
Kehinde, Foundation Year 1 Doctor
(General Surgery On-call Survival Course, 2023) -
Great slides with an appropriate depth to each topic. Feel the course will really help me in a role within A&E as it’s given me a good appreciation for common ENT presentations, red flags, and conditions which require early intervention
Olivia, Foundation Year 2 Doctor
(ENT On-call Survival Corse, 2024) -
Very informative presentations. I really learned about the most practical management that a junior need to know during orthopaedic on-call shifts. Concise presentation which covers upper & lower limb and spinal emergencies. Definitely more confident in looking at orthopaedics X-rays now!
Ee Zhe, Foundation Year 2 Doctor
(Orthopaedic On-call Survival Course, 2023)

Safe Hands - A Handbook of Surgical Techniques is a concise guide to general surgical operations carried out in the operating theatre. As well as the description of procedure for each operation, the book also gives personal tips of encouragement and care, and warnings of potential problems. This book is an outstanding resource for all aspiring surgeons who are just setting out on their career, and can also serve as a handy reference for experienced practitioners.
Forewords by: Professor Harold Ellis CBS FRCS and
Steven D. Wexner MD PhD FACS FRCS
NEWS: Safe Hands is available to ASEduc subscribers (enter email address to join newsletter below) at the special price of only £20, plus postage! For further information, please email shan@anshan.co.uk